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(Français) Charlotte Lonchay

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(Français) Christophe PiletCFO Paléo Festival Nyon

For many years, I spent most of the day in a chair at my workplace and I was looking for a sufficiently demanding and ambitious challenge to compensate the lack of physical activity.

As I’m a mountain lover, Stéphane and I set the goal of running together in the legendary mountain race, Sierre Zinal in Val d’Anniviers (31km 2200m D+).

Over the last 8 months of training, Stéphane monitored me and he always found the way to motivate me when nothing was going as planned. This was possible thanks to a wide range of activities, his help, and good ideas.

Today I can say I am proud of what I’ve achieved because I’ve reached my goals hands down.

I’ve also improved my life quality by almost getting rid of my back and joint issues. From now on, we’re going to set more goals and continue together this beautiful pace.

AntoineResp. Marketing et Communication dans une clinique privée

Skills and feeling. Two essential conditions for a therapeutic action to be successful. With Irène, these two conditions are completely fulfilled. She’s a high-qualified professional who knows how to spot malfunctions and has all the techniques to cure them. When it comes to the feeling, thanks to Irène and her Latin origins, you know you’re in the right place and you immediately feel comfortable. The time stands still with her. Nothing but happiness!

Dominique MontangeroMaître d’éducation physique

As an amateur runner, I turned to Stéphane because I had to wait for a few weeks before I could run again after I suffered an injury. Thanks to the training sessions I did with him and also to the weekly exercises I had to do by myself, I became aware of the enormous importance of building up strength in the muscles to run and avoid injuries.

Ready to help, Stéphane set up a programme focused on my goals, my needs and my physical abilities and limits, as well as my personal history. After a few months of training, I noticed my progress, which reinforced my motivation and confidence.

Elise TonelloLogopédiste

Beyond being a competent professional in the field of sports, it’s his experience with patients who have suffered from cardiovascular issues which adds value to our shared project. Less than a year after my surgery, the rehabilitation and physical training, of which took care Stéphane, has been the key to my return to the competition. In high-level sports, it’s essential to be surrounded by qualified and motivated people, if you want to increase your chances to win. This is why working with Stéphane has been a reasonable choice.

Arthur GabellaGolfeur professionnel
Je suis coach de dirigeants et je dois dire que Stéphane ma bluffé en tant que coach d’abord. J’ai rarement connu quelqu’un d’aussi naturellement doué pour aider les autres à progresser. Stéphane m’a accompagné pour passer d’un « travailloman » sans aucune pratique physique à un professionnel plus tonique et endurant. Stéphane connait parfaitement la physiologie, il a travaillé en étroite coordination avec mon physio, et Irène qui me masse. il a su me motiver sans me juger et m’amener à prendre conscience de mon besoin d’intégrer la condition physique dans mon équation du succès personnel durable.
Laurent P.Trainer coach consultant
Irène is a peerless therapeutic masseuse. After 25 years of getting massages, I’ve never met such an efficient masseuse. She massages you with a precise intention, a strategy, and an objective. With regular work, Irène has helped me to take fewer medications for my back and to relax more my lower back muscles and my whole body in general. I work and travel a lot and Irène helped me to cope with the intensity over time.
Laurent P.Trainer coach consultant
L’approche pluri-disciplinaire créée par Irène et Stéphane m’a permis de retrouver un équilibre fondamental au niveau physique. J’ai longtemps souffert de lombalgies et d’un manque de condition physique. Le travail combiné et coordonné avec les massages d’Irène et le coaching de Stéphane m’a permis de réaliser des progrès importants et réguliers.
Laurent P.Trainer coach consultant

I met Irène in 2012 and I went for a massage twice a week. Her treatment was highly beneficial for me.  I could gradually regain contact with my body, to “reintegrate” it by being less disturbed by the constant carousel of my thoughts and little by little tensions, pains and anxiety decreased. Just being touched, with gentleness and respect, within an environment of relaxation, made me aware of my limitations and to re-appropriate them.

Anita Sandozaide-enseignante