These workouts combine stretching stiff areas of muscles and strengthening loose areas lacking tone. After we analyze the morphology of the client, we tailor bespoke training programmes.

Benefits are quickly felt, including postural improvement, reduced back pain, decreased tension and an overall muscle tone.

*(from the Daniel Grieser Method)


These workouts are intended for those who want to make the time dedicated to their training more profitable. It is very complicated to conciliate cleverly our private life, professional life, spare time and training. However, we simplify this task by assuring a high-quality planning and monitoring of your training. So you can still enjoy all the energy provided by fun, varied and tailor-made workouts.


When it comes to the maximum performance, every detail counts. It is essential to be in full command of your faculties the D-day. Although the importance of an optimal recovery between every performance is often forgotten, we are fully aware of it. And that is why we plan annually or over several years your training programme, which is divided into groups and organized all around your competition periods. In this way, you can beneficiate from expert assessment concerning your physical training in relation to the sport you do, so that you can focus on your aim, which is the competition.

(Estimate upon request)


Assessment and evaluation first 90’ session

This first session is the way to learn to know yourself. It is essential if you want to continue with our help, so we have a complete file that includes your medical history, your needs, and your expectations, as well as the goals you have set for yourself.

After that, we will assess your current cardiovascular capacity using a test recommended by the WHO, your upper and lower limbs strength, your flexibility, your balance, your posture and your body mass index. The additional questionnaires can be filled in according to your medical history (back, knees, cardiovascular events, overtraining).

Thanks to the information provided in this assessment, we will establish a training programme for the coming weeks strictly sticking to your goals. In the end, we will use this data to evaluate your progress.

60’ coaching

It is a workout session to highlight the goals set during the assessment. Before each appointment, we do a summary of what happened since the last one. We give you the training programme of the session in question and take a few minutes at the end of the appointment to give you a feedback.

It includes:

  • Warm up (10’ approx.)
  • Workout (40’ approx.)
  • Recovery (5’ approx.)

Duo and trio 60’ session

We offer the possibility to do a workout for 2 or 3 people at the same time based on the 60’ Coaching session. An individual 90’ assessment is planned beforehand.

Home workout session

This method, based on the 60’ Coaching, is perfect for clients who want to train in their private environment. We go to your home and, if you need it, we can provide you the necessary material to do a quality workout.

Traveling expenses will be expected in the total amount according to the kilometers traveled and the travel time between your home and our consulting room.

Book your appointment with Stéphane now

Book now


As an amateur runner, I turned to Stéphane because I had to wait for a few weeks before I could run again after I suffered an injury. Thanks to the training sessions I did with him and also to the weekly exercises I had to do by myself, I became aware of the enormous importance of building up strength in the muscles to run and avoid injuries.

Ready to help, Stéphane set up a programme focused on my goals, my needs and my physical abilities and limits, as well as my personal history. After a few months of training, I noticed my progress, which reinforced my motivation and confidence.

Elise TonelloLogopédiste

For many years, I spent most of the day in a chair at my workplace and I was looking for a sufficiently demanding and ambitious challenge to compensate the lack of physical activity.

As I’m a mountain lover, Stéphane and I set the goal of running together in the legendary mountain race, Sierre Zinal in Val d’Anniviers (31km 2200m D+).

Over the last 8 months of training, Stéphane monitored me and he always found the way to motivate me when nothing was going as planned. This was possible thanks to a wide range of activities, his help, and good ideas.

Today I can say I am proud of what I’ve achieved because I’ve reached my goals hands down.

I’ve also improved my life quality by almost getting rid of my back and joint issues. From now on, we’re going to set more goals and continue together this beautiful pace.

AntoineResp. Marketing et Communication dans une clinique privée

The work accomplished with Irène and Stéphane has been of great importance in obtaining my six WRC World Champion titles. Between rehabilitation and remobilization after I broke my collarbone into five pieces, and the in-depth action so that I compete in the rally in the best conditions, Stéphane knew how to adapt to me, so I could make the most of his experience.

Julien IngrassiaChampion du monde des rallyes 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 et 2021

After listening carefully to my needs and time and work constraints, I did a first training cycle and after that a 2nd one. I was very satisfied because workouts were varied, short and very complete too. I also made significant and visible progress in muscle strength, which was the basis of my goal.

Sylvain LacrazSourcing Director, Firmenich

Stéphane Orsier


Coaching Training/Physical preparation
Medical and preventive physical preparation
Physical preparation of daily performance optimization
High-level athletic physical preparation



+41 (0) 79 690 89 21

Nowadays, sport is a big part of my life. Cycling, football, running, hiking and Alpine skiing have been always part of my everyday life, as I love being dynamic, sharing those moments with friends, getting to know myself and staying in touch with nature. After a few years undertaking the sports study program, the specialization in football, choosing to study something in the field of physical activity was almost natural. Consequently, I entered the University of Grenoble and the idea of teaching sport would quickly gain ground later in my professional life. However, it would take me a few years to realize that I was more interested in teaching physical education for adults in rehabilitation or training phase than teaching in a school environment. Working at La Lignière clinic in the healthcare field for almost 10 years, ended up convincing me of this decision. Sport is my life. Today, I put at the service of my clients all the skills I learned and the experience of my varied and regular practice. As a proud father of two kids, a significant milestone of my existence which has happened in my thirties, I learned how important is to prepare yourself, to anticipate and be accompanied every day to make the most of every moment, as well as to fulfill her needs, her wishes and her dreams. There are some essential factors to accomplish this: the physical factor, the amount of sleep, the diet and the social interactions. I hope I can efficiently meet your demands and the goals you have set. I am ready to help you!



Contact info

Chemin des Couleuvres 8b, 1295
Tannay, Switzerland.


+41 79 690 89 21

Opening hours:
We are opened from Monday to Friday from 7 am till 7 pm.
Coaching on Saturdays on request.

